The House Majority Policy Committee recently held a roundtable discussion at the Sheetz Claysburg campus in Blair County.
Reps. Jim Gregory (R-Blair) and Louis Schmitt (R-Blair) hosted the discussion that was preceded by a tour of the Sheetz campus and the Altoona Curve ballpark. Attendees included community leaders, business owners, and nonprofit organizations.
Topics of discussion included education partnerships among businesses, government and schools, recruitment and retainment of young talent in the workforce, wage laws, tax structure, environmental issues causing unfunded mandates, diversity in housing needs, municipal government cooperation, the state’s liquor laws, and the legalization of recreational marijuana.
“Hearing from constituents is a key part of being a lawmaker. Their opinions shape how I represent them in Harrisburg.” Schmitt said. “We heard from various business owners about the potential for growth in our area that would impact the lives of all residents. I look forward to what’s in store for Blair County and will continue to work to ensure the people of the county, and the state, have a bright future.”
Participants represented a wide variety of businesses and organizations, and most have current job openings. The companies said they are recruiting differently than they did five years ago.