The Pennsylvania House of Representatives recently advanced House Bill 1100, which would provide for an energy and fertilizer manufacturing tax credit, by a vote of 139-46.
“I want to thank my colleagues for supporting this beneficial legislation,” Rep. Aaron Kaufer (R-Luzerne), who introduced the legislation, said. “House Bill 1100 provides a great incentive for out-of-state manufacturers to open up shop here in Pennsylvania. With these high-value investments comes thousands of construction jobs as well as a thousand permanent, family-sustaining jobs. These investments would also give a much-needed boost to our local and regional economy.”
House Bill 1100 will provide a tax credit to large manufacturers using Pennsylvania methane in the production of ammonia, urea, and methanol. It aims to encourage manufacturers to invest in Pennsylvania and reflects the existing Pennsylvania Resource Manufacturing tax credit, which led to the Shell Cracker Plant in western Pennsylvania.
The measure is part of the Energize PA bill package, which focuses on redeveloping Pennsylvania’s infrastructure and promoting employment and economic growth.