State Reps. Matthew Dowling (R-Fayette/Somerset), Seth Grove (R-York) and Justin Walsh (R-Westmoreland) recently drafted the Reinventing Government bill package, which would merge several state agencies to improve the delivery of government services and reduce costs.
“The legislation to merge state agencies is focused on implementing changes to make our state government more efficient and effective, as well as more financially responsible,” Dowling said. “They’re commonsense changes that would translate into real savings, freeing money that could then be used where it’s needed.”
Each merger in the package would be required to reduce administrative costs by 20 percent, improve the delivery of government services for all residents, identify, consolidate and eliminate redundant programs and reduce taxpayer costs through the improved use of state funds.
Dowling’s bill would create the Department of Local Government and Community Affairs (DLGCA) to oversee the state’s local governments. DLGCA would consist of powers and authorities from the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) and the Department of State. The agency would assist counties in managing elections and help local governments to apply for eligible grant and tax credit programs transferred from DCED.
Grove’s bill would merge the Budget Office, the Department of General Services, the Office of Administration and the Governor’s Office of Policy and Planning into one agency called the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
“This new agency would oversee every aspect of the Commonwealth’s governance, including budget preparation, managing state expenditures and handling all procurement, human relations and information technology,” Grove said. “By improving the coordination between these core function of government, the state can improve delivery of government services to the people of Pennsylvania.”
Walsh’s bill would consolidate the Commonwealth’s workforce development programs, which are currently spread across multiple agencies, into one system.
“My bill would consolidate workforce development programs that are currently divided among the Department of Labor and Industry, the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), and the Department of Human Services,” Walsh said. “This proposal would give DCED, the agency that is tasked with keeping current employers in Pennsylvania and bringing new opportunities into the state, the much-needed tools to help connect employers who have job openings with workers qualified to fill them.”
The bills have been referred to the House State Government Committee for review.