Gov. Tom Wolf announced Wednesday that North American Höganäs High Alloys, LLC (Höganäs), which manufactures powdered metal products, will expand its operations in Cambria County, supporting the creation of 25 jobs.
“Pennsylvania’s powdered metals industry is a major contributor to our manufacturing sector,” Wolf said. “Höganäs’ decision to expand here is great news for Pennsylvania manufacturing, and will provide at least 25 reliable, family-sustaining jobs for Cambria County workers.”
The project involves the construction of a 24,000-square-foot building and the purchase of new machinery to support the expansion of the company’s operations and the addition of new production capabilities to support additive manufacturing and other technologies. Höganäs has pledged to invest $10,590,000 in the project, which is expected to create 25 new, full-time jobs and retain 135 existing jobs over the next three years.
Höganäs received a funding proposal from the Department of Community and Economic Development for a $75,000 Pennsylvania First grant and a $19,600 workforce development grant to assist with worker training. The company will also receive up to $50,000 in job creation tax credits to be distributed upon the creation of new jobs and up to $500,000 in Enterprise Zone tax credits for the company’s investment in a designated distressed area.
The project was coordinated by the Governor’s Action Team, a group of economic development professionals who report directly to the governor, with additional coordination provided through JARI, a non-profit economic development organization serving Cambria and Somerset Counties.
“This exciting investment, with the greatly appreciated support from the Governor’s Action Team and JARI, will help Höganäs continue to grow in Pennsylvania and provide innovative products for our customers in several quickly developing market areas,” Dean Howard, president of North American Höganäs, said.