Rep. Jonathan Fritz (R-Susquehanna/Wayne) announced Tuesday the advancement of House Bill 1103, PIPE Investment Program legislation, by a vote of 14-6 by the House Finance Committee.
As the legislation will now head to the House floor for further consideration, Fritz is also scheduled to host a press conference on Friday in New Milford to discuss the PIPE Investment Program legislation and the “Energize PA” initiative.
“All of our residents and manufacturers across the Commonwealth should have equal access to Pennsylvania’s affordable natural gas,” Fritz said. “My legislation would not only establish equal access to this low-cost fuel but will allow our economy to flourish and grow family-sustaining jobs. I want to thank the House Finance Committee for passing this crucial piece of legislation.”
The bill is one of eight in the House’s “Energize PA” initiative with a goal of creating job growth while revitalizing infrastructure with no new fees or taxes.
The bill would make grants available for the construction of the last few miles of utility distribution lines to business parks and existing manufacturing and industrial business.
“Here in the commonwealth, the oil and gas industry generates billions in revenue, at the same time, provides meaningful, family-sustaining pay for many of our residents,” Fritz said. “By further embracing this clean-energy industry, I am certain that we will see continued growth in our economy and an increase in the job opportunities available to our workforce. We are beginning to see a real renaissance in Pennsylvania. Let’s focus on continuing the positive trend.”
The oil and gas industry employs more than 300,000 people and contributes $45 billion to the state economy. The industry also significantly reduces air emissions, House Republicans said, and generates billions in bonus and royalty payments for landowners.