Exelon Generation confirmed Wednesday that Three Mile Island Generating Station Unit 1 (TMI) in Middletown, Pa., will shut down by Sept. 30, as previously announced in May 2017.
“With only three legislative session days remaining in May and no action taken to advance House Bill 11 or Senate Bill 510, it is clear a state policy solution will not be enacted before June 1, in time to reverse the premature retirement of the plant,” the company said in a news release.
Exelon Generation will continue to operate the plant through September.
The company has worked over the last two years to provide TMI employees with other placements at the company. Staff transitions are expected within six months of the plant’s final shut down.
“I want to thank the hundreds of men and women who will continue to safely operate TMI through September,” Bryan Hanson, Exelon senior vice president and chief nuclear officer, said. “We will offer a position elsewhere in Exelon to every employee who wishes to stay with the company and is willing to relocate, and we will do all we can to support the community, the employees and their families during this difficult period.”
Exelon Generation filed the federally required Post Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report last month, which details plans for TMI after its final shutdown. The filing includes plans for transitioning staff in three phases down to 50 full-time employees by 2022 and dismantling large components beginning in 2074.