Utility company PPL Corp. recently released its 2018 Sustainability Report.
The report is an overview of the company’s climate-change and risk-management strategy as well as the company’s energy and the environment, social responsibility, and governance and management record. The report uses data from the Global Reporting Initiative.
“PPL is focused on its long-term strategy to deliver best-in-sector operational performance, invest responsibly in a sustainable energy future, maintain a strong financial foundation, and engage and develop our people, all while staying true to our sustainability commitments,” William H. Spence, PPL Corp. chairman, president and chief executive officer, said. “As we pursue this strategy, every action we take and every decision we make is focused on moving energy forward.”
PPL has set the goal of reducing its carbon dioxide emissions 70 percent between 2010 and 2050.
To achieve this goal, PPL has become reliant on more distributed energy resources such as solar and energy storage, and is strengthening the power grid to make it more resilient to climate change.
The company is moving toward a cleaner, more balanced energy mix by embracing new technologies, according PPL’s website.
PPL is based in Allentown. It has more than 10 million customers in the United States and United Kingdom.