Centre County Commissioners recently approved a $40,000 contribution to an economic development incentive package for local technology company Sensor Networks, Inc.
The Chamber of Business & Industry of Centre County (CBICC) requested the financial assistance on behalf of its Centre County Economic Development Partnership.
“As you might be aware, this past November the CBICC joined with Sensor Networks in announcing the company’s expansion plans,” CBICC Vice President of Economic Development Jennifer Myers told commissioners. “Sensor Networks is on a steady growth trajectory, making a positive impact on the local economy and job creation. The CCEDP contribution will support the purchase of a critical piece of machinery that will enable Sensor Networks to ramp up its expansion – and the hiring of new employees – more quickly than it otherwise would.”
Boalsburg-based Sensor Networks, Inc. is investing in a new facility in College Township. The company plans to expand its workforce from 48 to 100-125 over the next three years.
The Commissioners approved the $40,000 contribution, pending the execution of a performance agreement that establishes benchmarks for job creation and a commitment to remain in the county. Other CCEDP stakeholders are considering similar investments.
“The timing of this decision and announcement that the Centre County Commission voted to take definitive action (as other Centre County Economic Development Partners will be contemplating the same) in supporting this opportunity to create many more well-paying jobs is perfect,” Jeff Anderson, president and general manager of Sensor Networks, Inc., said.