The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) recently released its small business scorecard for Pennsylvania for 2019.
NFIB gave a grade of F for the mandatory sick leave bill recently introduced in the state Senate. The Healthy Employee/ Healthy Workplace Act would require every employer in the state to provide each employee with one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked which they can use to take care themselves or a family member.
NFIB gave a grade of A in response to the State House of Representatives recent advancement of workforce development bills. The bills would help small businesses work with schools to promote awareness of opportunities in high-priority occupations, establish a school-to-work pilot program and provide a tax credit to businesses that invest in school programs.
NFIB gave a grade of A to the ouse Labor and Industry Committee’s advancement of a bill to inform government workers on their right to not join a union. The Employee Rights Notification Act was introduced in response to a Supreme Court ruling that found that requiring employees to pay a “fair share” fee is a violation of the rights to free speech and free association.