The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) recently approved filings by the four FirstEnergy electric distribution companies serving Pennsylvania for supplements to tariffs designed to remove barriers to third-party electric vehicle (EV) charging stations.
The Commission approved the filings 5-0.
Metropolitan Edison Company (MetEd), Pennsylvania Electric Company (Penelec), Pennsylvania Power Company (Penn Power) and West Penn Power Company (West Penn Power) made the filings in response to an EV policy statement adopted by the PUC last year.
The November 2018 policy statement by the PUC aimed to promote increase investment in EV charging infrastructure by reducing regulatory uncertainty and providing increased consistency among electric distribution companies (EDCs). It clarified that third-party electric vehicle charging is providing a service and is not considered resale of electricity under the Public Utility Code. The PUC directed EDCs to amend their tariffs to address third-party EV charging stations consistent with the new policy.
The recently approved tariff supplements are the first to be considered under the PUC policy statement regarding EV charging infrastructure.