The Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation (LVEDC) recently formed a new work group that will perform research and analysis, conduct outreach to local businesses and governments and direct initiatives to support retention and growth of companies in the region.
Karianne Gelinas, former director of Talent Supply at the Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation, will direct the five-person work group. She was recently promoted to the position of vice president of Strategic Initiatives and Research.
There is nothing more critical right now than talent supply and worker availability for companies in the Lehigh Valley and those looking to come here,” Gelinas said. “I look forward to continuing that work and expanding upon it with the new strategic initiatives and research group.”
LVEDC hired Gelinas in May 2017 to direct its talent supply initiative, which assessed the region’s education and training supply and the employment needs of certain sectors of the economy.
The initiative led to the creation of a regional Talent Supply Council, which includes representatives from higher education, K-12 education, career and technical education, business and industry, staffing agencies and regional economic development and business groups. The five committees of the Council are currently working to implement recommendations from a study and survey of companies released last July.
“Karianne has done a fabulous job directing the talent supply initiative with our partners,” LVEDC President & CEO Don Cunningham said. “We are fortunate to have someone with her skill set to lead this new group.”