The Delaware County Council recently voted to approve its 2019 budget, which decreases property taxes and reduces expenses by approximately $2.2 million overall.
The council approved a general fund budget of $354.8 million for 2019. The county has built up a reserve balance of more than $53 million going into 2019. The council voted to use $4.3 million from the unassigned fund balance to decrease property taxes for 2019 through a tax rate reduction of 2.55 percent for 2019.
“Very good budget management, sound fiscal policies and the continued economic expansion in Delaware County have enabled us to adopt a budget where we reduce real estate taxes by 2.55 percent while also continuing to provide our residents with vital services and resources,” Delaware County Council Chairman John McBlain said.
Economic growth in Delaware County increased the county’s tax base by $228.5 million, which raised an additional $1.25 million in revenue.
“The county has increased its reserves over the past several years though increased revenues in areas such as 911 and Fair Acres and decreased its spending through rigorous budget oversight by both the County and Courts,” Delaware County Executive Director Marianne Grace said. “My office was pleased to deliver a budget that gives Council this opportunity to provide taxpayer relief.”