Skills in Scranton, in collaboration with the Lackawanna County Workforce Development Board, recently hosted an Educator in the Workplace immersion experience on logistics and transportation.
Educators in the Workplace’s goal is to connect business and industry leaders with the local intermediate unit, local school districts, and the career and technical center.
Lackawanna County educators spent a week in one of four industry-specific cohorts.
Participants were introduced to a variety of career paths in logistics and transportation, completed classroom integration planning, and learned about available services. They spent two days at the Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce and three days at either McLane Company or Kane Is Able.
“Kane Is Able is honored and excited to participate in this year’s Educators in the Workplace program,” Alex Stark, Kane is Able senior director of marketing, said. “We’re passionate about spreading the news and getting visibility to the logistics and transportation industry. When logistics is working well, and this is mostly an exceptions business, the industry works silently behind the scenes. That’s optimal for business, however, not ideal for getting on young peoples’ radars as a career opportunity. We hope that through successful programs like Educators in the Workplace the industry comes into greater focus.”