Integrated Development Partners (IDP) along with Dauphin County Commissioners and Steelton borough officials recently announced plans to transform six vacant blocks in Steelton.
The Steel Works project will be a mixed-use development. It will refurbish five buildings on North Front Street, including a 20,000-square-foot supermarket, a 6,000-square-foot brewpub,
more than 75 apartments, retail and office space.
IDP purchased the property for $375,000 from the Steelton Economic Development Corp. The partners will receive a 10-year, 100 percent tax abatement.
The county, Steelton and the Steelton-Highspire School District approved the tax abatement zone last year. Developers are only required to pay property taxes at the pre-improvement rate for new construction.
“This project shows what is possible when government works with the private sector to spur development that will lift an entire community and change lives,’’ said county board Chairman Jeff Haste, who oversees the Redevelopment Authority. “Steelton is an example of how Dauphin County partners with municipal officials to tackle blight and turn vacant industrial sites into prized assets.’’
Construction is scheduled to begin either late next year or in early 2020. The project is expected to take 24 to 36 months to complete.
The county used $230,000 of an Environmental Protection Agency grant to conduct environmental assessments on the site.