State Rep. Gerald Mullery (D-Luzerne) announced Wednesday that Summit Utility Structures LLC was approved for a $1 million low-interest loan through the Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority (PIDA).
The company will purchase machinery and equipment to be installed at its new manufacturing facility in West Hazleton Borough, Mullery said, which will support the creation of new jobs.
“Job creation is vital in our area, and this project will create 25 full-time jobs and help retain 42 additional jobs,” Mullery said. “I am very excited Summit has decided to expand here in the 119th Legislative District and offer family-sustaining wage jobs for my constituents.”
The company plans to purchase a CNC plate processor, welding equipment, a sandblaster, a long seamer, and overhead cranes.
This month, PIDA, an independent authority staffed and regulated through the Department of Community and Economic Development, has approved a total of more than $3 million in low-interest loans for projects across the state. In 2018, PIDA approved $76.5 million in low-interest loans that resulted in $109.5 million in private investment and supported 4,167 created and retained full-time jobs, Mullery said.
“I am pleased the PIDA board felt the West Hazleton project warranted approval,” he said.