Rep. Cris Dush (R-Jefferson/Indiana) recently expressed disappointment regarding three recent vetoes by Gov. Tom Wolf.
House Bill 83 would have modified the way the state repays its debt to reduce the amount of interest incurred.
“An analysis by House Appropriations Committee staff estimated that this one reform would have reduced outstanding general obligation debt by $1 billion over 20 years,” Dush said. “This change alone would have saved the Commonwealth millions in interest, and potentially generated even more substantial savings, if the level payments resulted in additional decisions to stop borrowing against future generations.”
House Bill 2138 would have established work requirements or community engagement as a condition of Medical Assistance eligibility for able-bodied recipients.
“The purpose of this legislation was to help these individuals regain their economic independence and restore the dignity of work to all Pennsylvanians,” Dush said. “This is the second time that the governor has vetoed this critical welfare reform measure that was again carefully vetted by the House and Senate, debated at length, and amended to ensure exclusions were outlined for all those who are unable to work.”
House Bill 2157 would have made it easier for schools to establish and renew vocational programs.
“The governor’s bizarre veto of this legislation to expand career and technical education in the Commonwealth flies in the face of what educators and employers have been telling us for years: our young people need to prepare themselves for success in the rapidly changing 21st century workplace to qualify for high-demand jobs that pay family-sustaining wages,” Dush said. “As a co-sponsor of this important legislation, I’m hopeful that the House and Senate can schedule an over-ride vote upon the return to session in November.”
Dush joined with colleagues in the Common Sense Caucus, a group of House Republicans who aim to defeat new tax increases, reform welfare, and control spending, in condemning the vetoes.