Rep. Chris Quinn (R-Delaware) recently introduced legislation that would lift an artificial cap on how much utilities can invest in energy efficiency initiatives.
Under current rules, public utilities can not invest more than two percent of their revenues into energy efficiency initiatives.
“By permitting a higher level of investment in energy efficiency programs and incentives, my bill would help consumers, the ever-growing energy conservation industry and the environment,” Quinn said. “Having an artificial cap on these investments makes no sense. We must free utilities to make whatever investments they see fit to improve energy efficiency.”
The introduction of the bill, H.B. 2662, coincides with National Energy Efficiency Day on Oct. 5.
Pennsylvania has over 9,000 energy efficiency businesses, and more than 65,000 Pennsylvanians work in energy efficiency jobs, according to a report by Environmental Entrepreneurs.
“This sector of our economy allows both business owners and homeowners to save money on their energy bills, freeing up investment in other areas,” Quinn said. “When a business spends less on energy, the savings can be used to hire new employees, provide better pay to its existing workforce or invest in new products. This helps everyone in our state’s economy.”