The Senate Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness Committee recently held a hearing in the Borough of Millvale in Allegheny County to discuss flooding and landslides.
Senators highlighted the damage to roads across Allegheny County and discussed remediation efforts and costs. They reviewed potential remedies, including Senate Bill 1131, which would establish a Landslide Insurance and Assistance Program.
“I am grateful for this hearing,” Sen. Jay Costa (D-43rd District), who sponsored Senate Bill 1131 and is the minority chairman of the committee, said. “While the federal and state government allocate some funds for emergencies, homeowners often do not. We need to find a way to offer protections for homeowners. My legislation – the Landslide Insurance and Assistance Program Act – would consist of a grant program, revolving loan program, and insurance program, to try to address this issue comprehensively.”
Pennsylvania has experienced historic amounts of rainfall this year, and Allegheny County has experienced 77 landslides, including $11 million in damages to U.S. Route 30, according to testimony presented at the hearing. The City of Pittsburgh, Ross Township, and the Borough of Millvale testified on specific roads and infrastructure damaged from flooding and landslides.
The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency is seeking federal disaster funding to assist with the $22 million in costs related to storms that occurred between February and April in Allegheny and Westmoreland Counties.
PennDOT has helped to address 30 of the landslides at the cost of $1.9 million. Allegheny County has established a Task Force on Landslide and Flooding made up of municipalities and community partners.
“We heard from the state, the County, an urban area, suburban area, and a smaller-sized community — all of which have similar stories relating to the damage from these terrible storms,” Sen. Randy Vulakovich (R-38th District), who chairs the committee, said. “Funding is extremely important to address disasters such as these when they arise, and I will continue to push for a dedicated Disaster Emergency Fund.”