State Rep. Anita Kulik (D-Allegheny) recently hosted a House Democratic Policy Committee public hearing at the Carnegie Borough Municipal Building in Carnegie on the importance of small business development and growth.
Legislators from across the commonwealth joined Kulik.
“Today’s hearing was a great discussion on the need to focus on and develop small businesses across Pennsylvania,” Kulik said. “Small businesses have been the backbone to local communities for decades, despite their decline in recent years. This hearing was a big step in the right direction as we look to revamp small businesses across the state.”
Local business owners had the opportunity to voice their comments. Gerald Ferguson, associate professor of business at the Community College of Allegheny County, and Carol Kilko, deputy secretary of business financing for the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development testified.
The hearing was part of a series on the House Democrats’ Plan4PA, which focuses on four aspects, including growing the economy and creating good jobs, quality affordable health care, investing in public schools and technical training, and revamping the state’s tax code.
Each aspect is then broken down into steps the Democrats plan to use to achieve the stated goals.