The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) recently accepted for review an application from Exelon Generation Company, LLC to renew the operating licenses of Peach Bottom Units 2 and 3, located near Lancaster, Pennsylvania, for an additional 20 years.
Exelon submitted the license renewal application on July 10. The NRC approved the initial license renewal for both units in May 2003. Unit 2 is currently licensed to operate through Aug. 8, 2033, and Unit 3 is currently licensed to operate through July 2, 2034.
The NRC will shortly publish a notice of opportunity to intervene in an adjudicatory hearing in the Federal Register. The notice will include the deadline for filing petitions to intervene.
The two units generate a combined 2,770 megawatts, and the plant recently completed an $87 million project to update major equipment to enhance safety, reliability and power output.
Exelon noted that the units support hundreds of jobs and millions of dollars in economic impact, including approximately $1.5 million annually in taxes.