State Rep. Austin Davis (D-Allegheny) recently announced that the City Center of Duquesne Redevelopment project received a $500,000 state grant to assist in the continued redevelopment of a former Duquesne Steel Works site.
“This grant means so much to the city of Duquesne in terms of employment, along with economic and regional redevelopment,” Rep. Davis said. “Turning our former steel works plant into a viable 21st-century industrial facility that will provide jobs for 100 or more area residents is great news for the Mon Valley.”
The grant was made available through the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program.
The funding will assist with site preparation work for a future 320,000 square-foot manufacturing center that will employ approximately 100 workers. Necessary site preparation work includes removing slag and unsuitable soil, demolishing former steel mill foundations and the extending utility infrastructure.
The Regional Industrial Development Corp (RIDC), based in Pittsburgh, now owns the 240-acre site. RIDC has completed several projects that adapted the site for reuse as a business park that hosts 15 companies, which together employ approximately 700 people.