Pennsylvania state Rep. Mike Driscoll (D-Philadelphia) recently introduced a bill designed to ensure consumers don’t fall prey to deceptive contracts.
The legislation creates penalties for companies that place false or misleading information in contracts with the intention of defrauding customers. Guilty companies also may be required to pay reimbursements for damages, allowing customers to reclaim lost assets.
“Pennsylvanians enter into contracts every day,” Driscoll said. “Whether it is a contract for cell phones, cable television, home improvement or another contract, full disclosure is necessary. But too often, companies use misleading language to take advantage of vulnerable communities and exploit their intentions. Protecting consumers from deceptive practices is one of my top legislative priorities, and this legislation to hold companies accountable for the contracts they draw up is among the reforms I continue to seek.”
Driscoll has been an active proponent of consumer protection laws.
In June, a bill Driscoll cosponsored was signed into law. The bill allows contractors to suspend their work if they are not paid per contract terms.
In March, the House passed two bills Driscoll cosponsored. The first measure would require Pennsylvania residents be notified whenever there is a breach of security of the system while the second bill would waive the current credit freeze fee.