State Rep. Leanne Krueger-Braneky (D-Delaware) recently hosted a House Democratic Policy Committee public hearing on connecting workers to good jobs at Neumann University.
She was joined by Mike Sturla (D-Lancaster), policy committee chairman, and other state legislators.
“Connecting people with jobs begins with engaging local businesses and making investments in people,” Krueger-Braneky said. “Whether that involves connecting a business owner to qualified candidates or creating qualified candidates in schools, the commonwealth must commit the supporting legislation, funding, and programs for the people. We also must support our workforce development agencies, local business community, pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs, and colleges and universities to create those outcomes. Community, regional and state economies don’t grow without strong stewardship from their leaders.”
Krueger-Braneky said she is focused on policy efforts to help create a better pipeline from schools to jobs and reforms that build a stronger and more diverse workforce.
House Democrats have a plan to invest in jobs that hinges on helping current employees and college students adapt in a changing economy, Sturla said.
Neumann University President Dr. Chris Domes, DCCC Dean of Workforce Development and Community Education Dr. Karen Kozachyn, Eastern Controls Executive Vice President of Business Development Jim DiNunzio and others testified before the committee.