U.S. Rep. Lou Barletta (R-PA) recently voted for an amendment to the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act, which strengthens and reauthorizes the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act.
Federal law has not updated career and technical education programs in more than a decade.
The 2018 bill reduces administrative burdens and simplifies the process for states to apply for federal resources, providing parents, students, and stakeholders a voice in establishing performance goals and evaluating the effectiveness of state and local programs. It also gives states more flexibility to use federal resources in response to changing education and economic needs and increases focus on employability skills, work-based learning opportunities, and meaningful credentialing.
“When I’m visiting with local job creators back in Pennsylvania, I always hear that they have good-paying, family-sustaining jobs available, but can’t find workers to fill them,” Barletta said. “Thanks to tax reform and the Trump Administration’s policies, we’ve hit an 18-year low unemployment rate, and now have more jobs available than unemployed Americans. This bill will ensure Pennsylvania workers have the skills necessary to fill these jobs, support their families, and contribute to our growing economy.”
The bill now heads to President Donald J. Trump to be signed into law.