State Rep. Jeanne McNeill (D-Lehigh County) recently toured the Coplay Aggregates Quarry and met with the owners of the facility, following complaints from residents and the issuance of an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) letter regarding possible soil contamination.
“Upon my request, the owners of the Coplay Aggregates Quarry gave Whitehall Mayor Michael Harakal, state Representative Zach Mako and me a complete tour of the facility that lasted several hours,” McNeill said. “The tour seemed to address complaints that residents have had with the operation: from noise to dust to purchasing equipment that washes the trucks. The owner said they address complaints and take any violation seriously.”
McNeill said that during the tour of the site, she did not smell any foul odors or see the dust about which the residents have complained. The tour included the area where the suspected contaminated soil is located.
“The owners are waiting for a final determination from the EPA as to whether there is a violation, and if so, the owners state they will act accordingly to remediate it,” McNeill said. “They seem to be responsible business owners who want to be good neighbors with Whitehall Township and the local residents. I remain concerned that the EPA issued a letter regarding possible contamination, and if that is proven, I would expect the owners to rectify the situation, but I want to make sure we have all the facts before anyone draws any conclusions.”
McNeill suggested that the owners hold a town hall meeting to address residents’ concerns but also said she understood their hesitation to do so.
“I’m sure they feel like they will be thrown to the wolves because a number of residents have complaints and say they don’t trust them; but I encouraged them that if the residents can talk with them directly about how the quarry is operated, opinions may be changed,” McNeill said.