Dennis Wulf, CEO of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania’s Innovatus Imaging, announced Tuesday the creation of three Centers of Excellence to drive the company’s development of new technology, products, and services.
Innovatus Imaging’s core competencies include ultrasound probe repair, specialty probe design and manufacturing, MRI coil and digital/computed radiography.
The company will establish an MRI and CR/DR Centers of Excellence headquartered in Pittsburgh; an Ultrasound Transducer Repair Center of Excellence headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma; and an Engineering, Testing, Regulatory Compliance, and Manufacturing Center of Excellence headquartered in Denver, Colorado.
The Centers of Excellence will operate under the direction of Bill Kollitz, president and chief operating officer at Innovatus Imaging.
The creation of the Centers of Excellence is part of the company’s long-term strategy, which involves combining three independent organizations: Bayer Multi Vendor Service, Wetsco, and MD Medtech.
“By organizing our talent around business lines, we can streamline operations and pass the efficiencies and savings on to providers, ultimately allowing them to better serve the diverse needs of patients,” Wulf said. “It’s all part of a bigger picture to improve health care processes and access for all parties involved.”