Pennsylvania Rep. Seth Grove (R-196) called on the Pennsylvania Legislature to increase natural gas drilling and distribution in the state to reduce America’s reliance on Russian natural gas.
Grove said he would be introducing a bill supporting that move soon as a response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
“Russia, and particularly its president, Vladimir Putin, must be held accountable for the senseless war in Ukraine. There is no reason why Americans should be forced to purchase natural gas imported from Russia,” Grove said. “My bill, the ‘End Russian Aggression Act,’ would reduce our reliance on Russian natural gas by [increasing] the production and availability of Pennsylvanian natural gas.”
Grove said his legislation would not only increase drilling in the state but would also reform the drilling permit process and provide funding for pipeline development that would increase distribution to other parts of the country and the world. The legislation would also end the state’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).
Joining the RGGI significantly increases operating costs for power plants, Grove said in a statement, and consumers would ultimately pay for those costs. Grove said joining RGGI would also lead to significant job loss in the energy industry.
“Now is not the time to hinder our natural gas industry. Rather, we must increase it to further secure our energy sector and decrease, if not zero out completely, Americans’ reliance on foreign gas,” Grove said. “This bill would also increase jobs here in Pennsylvania, improving our economy.”
Grove said he would introduce his bill, the “End Russian Aggression Act,” shortly.