Pennsylvania Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman (R-Bellefonte) announced last week that all Senate expenses would be made available to the public starting Sept. 1 in a move to promote government transparency.
Working with Senate Chief Clerk Donetta D’Inccocenzo, Corman said the new reporting system would apply to all Senate expenses.
“Pennsylvanians deserve to know how their tax dollars are spent, so opening the Senate’s books to the public eye is absolutely the right thing to do,” Corman said. “The online transparency tool that is in development now will help fulfill the promise of state government that is more open and accountable to the people it serves.”
The expenses to be put online include office leases, per diems, meal and lodging reimbursements, supplies, mileage, office maintenance, and much more, Corman said. Information will be available on a new web page that will be updated monthly by the Chief Clerk and will apply to all Senate offices – Republican, Democrat, Independent, and institutional.
When he was sworn in as Senate President Pro Tempore in January, Corman said that one of his priorities was stronger transparency in state government. The new expense transparency system builds on other good government measures like the state’s PennWATCH system, which provides information on employee salaries and compensation, state spending, and revenues, among other things; and the Pennsylvania Treasury Transparency Portal page with provides information on contracts and purchases of $5,000 or more.