A total of 129 hospitality industry businesses in Dauphin County recently received $3.05 million through the state’s Covid-19 Hospitality Industry Recovery Program (CHIRP).
The Capital Region Economic Development Corp. (CREDC), an arm of the Harrisburg Regional Chamber, processed and underwrote eligible applications, prioritized requests, presented applications to Dauphin County for consideration, and sent award notices.
“The CHIRP grants will provide much-needed relief to the financial strain our hospitality businesses have experienced during the pandemic,” said Melissa Stone, Harrisburg Regional Chamber and CREDC vice president of economic development. “Many businesses are on their way to recovery, and we are looking for any opportunity we can to help strengthen our region’s economic revival.”
To qualify, businesses could not have more than 300 full-time employees or a tangible net worth of more than $15 million and were required to show negative financial impact and intentions of staying open.
Grants were awarded between $5,000 and $30,000, with 105 businesses receiving at least $25,000. Amounts were awarded based on a company’s amount of eligible costs incurred between March 1, 2020, and the date of the application minus any other Covid-19 relief assistance received for those same costs.