Bills that would assist disabled veterans and at-risk youth passed in the Pennsylvania House Thursday, said state Rep. Karen Boback (R-Lackawanna/Luzerne/Wyoming).
The bills previously passed through the House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee, where Boback is the chair.
“One piece of legislation will prevent veterans’ compensation benefits from being counted as income for state programs with income thresholds,” said Boback. “It seeks to offer help to those who have fought for and defended us, which is why I felt it was necessary to reintroduce and push for its passage. I am grateful for the continued support this legislation sees and am eager for its passage in the Senate.”
House Bill 491 amends Title 51 to exclude veteran’s compensation benefits from any income calculations for Pennsylvania programs. The bill exempts 100 percent of a veteran’s disability compensation or pension from being included as income and extends to an unmarried surviving spouse.
“I was also proud to promote Rep. Tim O’Neal’s (R-Washington) bill, which aims to secure steady funding for the Keystone State Challenge Academy Account for the National Guard Youth Challenge Program. This program provides structured educational opportunities for at-risk youth across the Commonwealth. As an educator, I am fully aware of the value programs like this offer our youth. I will continue to look for ways that will offer help to our veterans and our Pennsylvania National Guard,” Boback said.
House Bill 803 would establish the Keystone State Challenge Academy Account, which would serve as a restricted receipts account in the General Fund that would include all money deposited into the account from the General fund, private donations, and federal funds, as well as all monies appropriated to the PA Department of Military and Veterans Affairs on a continuing basis.