Four members of the House Economic Growth Caucus applauded the efforts of House Republican leadership for voicing support of House Bill 1737 at a Hanover press conference on Monday.
The Economic Growth Caucus, which includes Reps. Barb Gleim (R-Cumberland), Mike Jones (R-York), Valerie Gaydos (R-Allegheny), and Dawn Keefer (R-York), is a group dedicated to making Pennsylvania more competitive and economically vibrant. Established in 2019, it is comprised of 15 House members in total, all of whom have entrepreneurial and business backgrounds.
House Bill 1737 was designed to provide limited civil liability protection for schools, healthcare entities, and businesses that have operated within the parameters of state and federal COVID-19 health guidelines. The legislation passed the General Assembly with majority support but was vetoed by Gov. Tom Wolf on Nov. 30.
“We recognize COVID-19 is novel, but we also know business entities are doing the best they can and are going above and beyond to keep their customers, citizens, employees, and family members safe,” Gaydos said. “Allowing frivolous lawsuits in this trying environment would be devastating.”
State Rep. Kate Klunk (R-York) organized Monday’s press conference to highlight local businesses, schools, and healthcare groups disappointed by Wolf’s veto of temporary liability protections.
“I am grateful to see many of my colleagues, as well as more than 77 small business owners, schools, service providers, and others, support this pro-economic growth initiative,” said Gleim, prime sponsor of House Bill 1737. “So many education, health care, and food-production entities are struggling to stay afloat, and this effort not only will provide needed relief but incentives for compliance with state guidelines as well.”
Jones, Economic Growth Caucus chairman, called Wolf’s veto of the legislation “shameful” and that such actions contribute to the state’s shrinking economic viability.
“It doesn’t make sense for the governor to enact so many restrictive COVID-19 mitigation measures intended to keep people safe and then turn around and allow a complying entity to be sued for complying,” Keefer said, acknowledging again that cases of gross negligence were not covered under the proposed liability protections.
Jones, Gaydos, Keefer, and Gleim are additionally encouraged by House Republican leadership efforts that not only support the reintroduction of House Bill 1737 next session but are also dedicated to supporting economic growth post-COVID-19 within Pennsylvania’s economy.