Allegheny Technologies Inc. (ATI), a global advanced materials manufacturer based in Pittsburgh, announced Wednesday the one-year extension of its labor agreement with the United Steelworkers (USW).
The extended agreement covers more than 1,300 employees at ATI’s specialty and standard rolled products businesses and other locations in Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. The labor agreement also includes USW local 7150 in Albany, Ore.
“Together with the USW, we are extending the terms of our previous contract for one year,” said Kimberly A. Fields, executive vice president of Advanced Alloys & Solutions at ATI. “This gives us stability in very challenging times so we may focus on the safety of our employees and our continued business operations.”
ATI will pay each covered employee a one-time $500 extension bonus under the agreement as a show of good faith towards a new contract next year.
While the previous contract expired Feb. 29, 2020, the language included in the contract extension governs employees’ pay, benefits, and work rules remain unchanged through Feb. 28, 2021.
“We believe this is the right solution for our employees and for our business, giving us the time needed to assess the economic conditions to negotiate a fair contract,” Fields said. “We thank our employees for their continued commitment to working and operating safely, helping ATI deliver on our customer commitments.”