Cambria County government officials and economic development professionals recently participated in a ribbon-cutting for the completion of an access road improvement project for the Hastings Industrial Park in Hasting, Penn.
Funding for the project came from a $550,000 grant and $211,261 in additional funds from the Appalachian Regional Commission’s (ARC) Access Road Program as well as a $212,810 TEA-21 Earmark from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Hastings Area Industrial Development Association (HAIDA) President Richard Stewart said.
The Southern Alleghenies Planning and Development Commission (SAP&DC) helped to submit an application for funding in August 2015. In October, the project received approval for additional funding through ARC to assist with unforeseen costs. PennDOT Engineering District 9 awarded the construction contract to Grannas Brothers of Hollidaysburg, Penn., and H.F. Lenz Company of Johnstown, Penn., designed and inspected the road.
“Completion of this project is an important milestone for continued development for the business park,” Brandon Peters, transportation program manager at SAP&DC, said. “ARC has stepped up, time and again, to ensure this project became a reality. They constantly prove to be a valuable partner in the Southern Alleghenies Region.”
The Hastings Industrial Park currently consists of two manufacturing buildings that employ 150 people in total.