Reps. Jonathan Fritz (R-Susquehanna/Wayne), Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny) and Joshua Kail (R-Beaver/Washington) highlighted the benefits of the proposed Energize PA legislative package at a recent press conference.
Fritz highlighted his PIPE Investment Program legislation, House Bill 1103. The bill would make grants from the Pipeline Investment Program (PIPE) more readily available to construct the last few miles of distribution lines to business parks and existing manufacturing and industrial enterprises.
“I can’t stress enough how important it is that we pass this crucial legislative package,” Fritz said. “Not only will my legislation, and my colleagues’ legislation, benefit those who reside in the Commonwealth, but it will essentially grow our economy, add thousands of family-sustaining jobs, and attract other manufacturers to invest in our state.”
The House Finance Committee has advanced House Bill 1103. It is now before the full House for consideration.
“Now we have the potential to fully maximize the oil and gas opportunity,” Turzai, who has been leading the Energize PA initiative, said. “The right public policies combined with the right cooperation from the private sector can generate a $60 billion increase in Pennsylvania Gross Domestic Product (GDP), support the addition of 100,000 new jobs and potentially increase state revenues by $2 to $3 billion.”
Kail is sponsoring House Bill 1102, which would create the Keystone Energy Enhancement Act (KEEA). The bill is designed to encourage capital investment in Pennsylvania’s natural gas and manufacturing industries.
“Pennsylvania faces a unique opportunity to unleash the full value of its natural resources and tap into sustainable economic and job growth for decades to come, but we need to be smart about what we’re doing in Harrisburg,” Kail said. “I’m excited to partner with my colleagues to help bring more manufacturing opportunities and more jobs to areas across the state.”
Fritz and Kail are two of eight bill sponsors included in the House’s Energize PA initiative. Other Energize PA bill sponsors include Reps. Aaron Kaufer (R-Luzerne), Natalie Mihalek (R-Allegheny/Washington), Tarah Toohil (R-Luzerne), Eric Nelson (R-Westmoreland), Mike Puskaric (R-Washington/Allegheny) and Tim O’Neal (R-Washington).