Sen. DiSanto announces legislation providing financial support to communities facing power plant closures

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State Senator John DiSanto (Dauphin/Perry) recently announced legislation that aims to provide financial assistance to communities adversely impacted by power plant closures within their jurisdictions.

Under the proposal, the Department of Community and Economic Development would provide state grants to localities that experience a reduction of at least 20 percent in property tax collections and payments in lieu of taxes received by a power plant.

Eligible political subdivisions would be able to apply for temporary relief for a total of four years. Initial awards may be up to 80 percent of the demonstrated tax loss in the first year, 60 percent in the second year, 40 percent in the third year and 20 percent in the fourth year. Funding would come from a budgetary appropriation by the General Assembly.

“Absent a massive consumer bailout of the nuclear industry, estimated at upwards of $500 million annually, Exelon intends to close its Three Mile Island nuclear facility later this year, and I am deeply concerned about the local impact that will be felt here in Dauphin County,” DiSanto said. “While I oppose burdening Pennsylvanians with costly subsidies for the benefit of big, highly profitable energy corporations, I believe we should support our local schools and municipalities through this challenging transition.”