A bill recently introduced in the state Senate would give municipalities the option to allow video gaming terminals (VGTs) at truck stops within their borders.
Under Act 42 of 2017, the state was permitted to establish up to 10 satellite casinos. Municipalities were given the option of opting-out of allowing gambling venues to be built, and more than 1,000 municipalities opted-out.
Also under Act 42, a limited number of VGTs were allowed to be placed in truck stops statewide. Counties that already host a casino were permitted to opt-out, but municipalities were not. This month’s bill corrects that oversight.
The bill was introduced by Sens. Scott Martin (R-13) and Ryan Aument (R-36).
“Each individual city, township, and borough should be able to make the final decision whether gambling should be permitted,” Aument said. “In Lancaster County last year, every single municipality made their position on gambling known by passing resolutions prohibiting a mini-casino from being located in our area. I believe that most or all of our local municipalities would opt-out of VGTs as well if they are given that option.”
Gambling can affect the character of a community, and these decisions should be made locally, Martin said.