Rep. Dan Moul (R-Adams) participated last week in a roundtable discussion in Harrisburg with Tom Rossomando, manufacturing and technology advocate at the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Rossomando, a former member of the Corbett administration, is working to identify issues related to small business owners and assisting state and local officials in developing pro-growth programs and policies.
“In our meeting, we discussed federal agencies including environmental, labor and human services,” Moul said. “I told Rossomando about my legislation to curb overregulation by the Susquehanna and Delaware River basin commissions, which are overstepping their regulatory authority and having a direct negative impact on taxpayers. At issue is the absence of oversight, transparency and accountability on the part of these regional compacts.”
The legislation, House Bill 2222, would make the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) the agency with the sole authority to regulate groundwater and impose fees, fines or penalties on the use, withdrawal or retention of groundwater in Pennsylvania.
The legislation would also require DEP to submit any new or amended regulations related to groundwater to the House and Senate Environmental Resources and Energy committees for approval before the regulation could be implemented.
“Rossomando told me he would investigate facilitating a meeting with the Army Corps of Engineers to take up the roles and responsibilities of the Susquehanna and Delaware River basin commissions,” Moul said.