American Petroleum Institute president and CEO speaks to Economic Club of Pittsburgh

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Mike Sommers, American Petroleum Institute president and CEO, recently gave a speech to the Economic Club of Pittsburgh, discussing energy in the United States.

Sommers addressed policy solutions the federal government can take to guide the nation’s energy future and how artificial intelligence is causing a rise in electricity demands.

“We have the opportunity to write the next chapter,” Sommers said. “To rebuild our failing infrastructure, we need sensible permitting reform. We need to green-light LNG (liquefied natural gas) exports and process pending applications. We need to open up leasing, onshore and offshore, and ensure the American people’s federal lands and waters are working for them.

“Americans want our leaders to channel the proactive, pioneer spirit that made us the greatest nation and economy in world history. A new American century needs American power… Let’s seize this moment, face our destiny, and unleash the energy America needs.”

Over the next seven years, power consumption in the United States is projected to increase 25 percent, Sommers said.

The American Petroleum Institute represents the natural gas and oil industry in the United States and has approximately 600 members that collectively produce, process and distribute the majority of the nation’s energy. The industry supports nearly 11 million U.S. jobs.