House committee hears testimony on energy production bill

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The Pennsylvania House Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities Committee heard testimony Monday in regard to legislation aimed at modernizing the Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority (PEDA).

State Rep. Rob Matzie (D-Beaver), majority chairman, said H.B. 2338 aims to help expand the state’s energy production by utilizing federal funding through the Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to modernize the PEDA.

“This is about jobs, jobs and jobs,” Matzie said. “We have talked for a long time about the importance of having a diverse, all-in energy portfolio and the job creation and energy independence that brings. This bill moves us closer to that goal by positioning us to take advantage of hundreds of billions in federal funding coming to the states.”

Matzie urged the committee to act sooner rather than later and take advantage of the increased federal funding.

The legislation, introduced by state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler (D-Philadelphia), was met with unanimous support, Matzie said. Co-sponsors of the bill included state Reps. Jennifer O’Mara (D-Delaware) and Mandy Steele (D-Allegheny).

Matzie said because PEDA was created in 1982, legislation is required to provide PEDA with the clarity of purpose to maximize its role as an energy accelerator and job creator. A few changes to the administrative code, he said, would ensure the agency has the resources and mission to seize federal dollars and encourage private investment. Such legislation would “turbocharge” energy production across the state, he said.