Deputy secretary for workforce development speaks at 2023 Apprenticeship Summit

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Dan Kuba, Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) deputy secretary for workforce development, recently attended the 2023 Apprenticeship Summit in Canonsburg.

The Southwest Corner Workforce Development Board (SCWDB) organized the event that focuses on how registered apprenticeships help employers recruit skilled workers and improve employee retention at businesses within southwestern Pennsylvania.

Kuba joined SCWDB members, employers, job training providers, union leaders, educators and community-based organizations for a panel discussion on the success of apprenticeship-based career pathways and how they can help meet businesses’ needs and prepare residents for jobs.

“Apprenticeship programs offer customizable education and job training that builds the talent pool needed to be competitive in today’s labor market,” Kuba said. “This proven work force development strategy is a commonsense solution to ongoing workforce challenges, helps ensure workers feel supported in their pursuit for family-sustaining wages, and allows businesses to be representative of the people they serve.”

SCWDB helps develop policies, oversee public funds, and procures services that help employers and job seekers in Beaver, Greene, and Washington counties. It offers counseling, education, job placement assistance, and training.

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funds the organization.

SCWDB is partnering with L&I’s Apprenticeship and Training Office on the new Apprenticeship Builds America grant.