Air Products recently announced it will build, own and operate two world-scale carbon monoxide (CO) production facilities in Texas.
The facilities combined will produce more than 70 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) of CO. In addition, they will be connected to Air Products’ existing Gulf Coast CO pipeline network.
“The new assets and agreements greatly expand Air Products’ already strong leadership CO position in the Gulf Coast,” said Dr. Samir J. Serhan, Air Products’ COO. “These strategic investments will provide additional growth and enhanced supply reliability to our business and for our valued customers.”
In La Porte, Air Products will produce more than 30 MMSCFD of CO. The facility is expected to be operational in 2024. The majority of the CO will be supplied to LyondellBasell.
As part of the agreement, Air Products will purchase synthesis gas from existing LyondellBasell natural gas partial oxidation units for the CO production feed.
In Texas City, Air Products will produce more than 40 MMSCFD of CO. The facility is expected to be online in 2026, with the majority of CO supplied to Eastman Chemical Co. It will be incorporated into the company’s existing CO pipeline network through a new 35-mile connection.
LyondellBasell and Eastman will be connected to and draw product from Air Products’ pipeline network.