Reps. Meuser, Nehls tour natural gas liquids facility

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U.S. Reps. Dan Meuser (R-PA) and Troy Nehls (R-TX) recently toured Energy Transfer’s Marcus Hook facility near Philadelphia.

The facility, located at the former Sunoco oil refinery on the Delaware River, produces, processes, and transfers natural gas liquids (NGL) products.

Energy Transfer has built six tanks storing approximately 3 million barrels of propane, ethane, and butane to support the Mariner East pipeline system. A fractionator at the facility processes NGLs transported along the Mariner East pipeline system from Western Pennsylvania.

The facility features a storage capacity of 2 million barrels in underground caverns; propane chilling and refrigerated storage; and processing units, including an ethane/propane splitter, along with ethane.

“Pennsylvania plays a prominent role in powering our country,” Meuser said. “This facility is part of a network that allows for the safe, clean distribution of several products that are utilized by businesses and families. The partnerships on display during our visit show the potential for these necessary sources in creating energy independence here, which will, in turn, improve our economy while creating good-paying, family-sustaining jobs. As a representative in the heart of Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale region, I have seen the dramatic impact that homegrown energy can have on our communities.”

The lawmakers also participated in a roundtable discussion.