Roechling Industrial purchases Westmoreland Technology Park’s last parcel

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Roechling Industrial Mount Pleasant, LP announced Monday it had purchased the last developable lot in the Greensburg, Penn.-based Westmoreland Technology Park I, where it will expand its current facilities.

The 6.39-acre lot was purchased from the Westmoreland County Industrial Development Corporation (WCIDC) for $319,500 and represents the sixth industrial park available through WCIDC that has been sold out.

Roechling said it will expand its existing 34,000-square-foot building and construct an additional building on the lot. The 36,000-square-foot extension is expected to be finished by the fall of 2023. Additionally, the company will build another facility on the lot within three to five years. The company plans to expand from its current 62 employees to 100 employees. Since the company won a bid to support Siemens with its Amtrak Airo project, it has quickened its pace for hiring.

“It’s an exciting time for Roechling,” Roechling General Manager Craig Critchfield said. “Not only does this purchase put us on a trajectory to expand our facilities and eventually add about 40 jobs at Westmoreland Technology Park I, we’ve also successfully bid the Siemens Airo project and are going to be hiring several employees in 2023. The Airo project is why we revised our expansion plans — we needed more space.”

Roechling began in Latrobe in 1981 and moved into Tech Park I in 2001. The company supplies custom CNC-machined components made from a variety of plastics. It also provides components for light rail vehicles, oil-filled transformers, food processing equipment, and construction equipment.

“With this land sale, Westmoreland Technology Park I becomes the sixth WCIDC park to be fully developed,” said WCIDC Executive Director Jason Rigone. “To ensure that the county has a robust portfolio of properties to attract new business, we’re currently working on the second phase of development of nearby Westmoreland Distribution Park North. This project will add three lots with pad-ready sites of 21.4, 10.4, and 4.1 acres and keep the pump primed for economic development in Westmoreland County.”

Currently, 14 Tech Park I companies employ more than 580 workers, and the park generates an estimated local and county tax revenue of $550,000 annually.