The Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development recently opened the application period for proposals from nonprofit marketing and promotion organizations for projects aimed at increasing sales, export or consumer awareness of hemp products.
To qualify, projects must have started on or after July 1 and be completed on or before June 30, 2023.
Projects may include regional or national promotion, and the department will give special consideration to projects leveraging other funding and public-private partnerships.
Winners will receive a minimum grant amount of $1,000 to reimburse up to half of project costs.
“Hemp has presented a unique opportunity to grow an industry from the ground up, supplying seemingly limitless sustainable construction materials, fiber and food products,” Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding said. “These grants will feed a new industry that was once a staple of Pennsylvania’s economy and is again presenting opportunities for farm income and jobs as well as new possibilities for climate-friendly, environmentally beneficial products.”
The department will award $200,000 in matching funds through a competitive process.
The application deadline is Dec. 2.
Last year, more than $157,000 was awarded to three projects that raised consumer awareness of hemp products and increased fiber and food hemp markets and opportunities within the state.