On Tuesday, Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding announced his department would award up to $303,000 in matching funds for state nonprofits interested in expanding sales of the state’s agricultural products.
The grants would reimburse up to 50 percent of the costs of promotional and educational projects that aim to increase consumer awareness and sales or grow export markets. Proposals for the grants are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 5, 2022.
“Pennsylvania food, fiber, and hardwood products are the finest in the world, and nonprofit associations are key partners in telling that story,” Secretary Redding said. “We’re looking for innovative marketers and educators who can help tell Pennsylvania Agriculture’s story to consumers here and abroad. These grants are ultimately a win-win-win for our agriculture businesses, the more than 593,000 Pennsylvanians whose jobs depend on them, and for our economy.”
The grants will be awarded to nonprofit agricultural promotion and marketing organizations, Redding’s office said. In 2021, the department awarded $300,000 to 16 nonprofits to fund projects ranging from festivals to tourism events to regional buy-local campaigns and statewide promotions of Pennsylvania products. In 2022, eligible projects can promote everything from “wine to wool, hardwoods to honey,” including produce, herbs, meat, poultry, or dairy.
Guidelines for the grant program are available online at the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Grants must be submitted online through the PA Department of Community and Economic Development Electronic Single Application.