Pet health and wellness company opening Lehigh facility

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Spot & Tango, a pet health and wellness company, recently announced its plans to open its first manufacturing facility in Lehigh County.

The company leased a 66,700-square-foot facility in Upper Macungie Township, Allentown, and will allow it to insource a portion of its product manufacturing such as training, equipment acquisition, and leasehold improvements. It plans to invest $20 million into the project.

The facility is expected to employ 96 people, and the company expects the facility to be operational this summer.

Spot & Tango manufactures and sells human-grade meals for dogs that do not contain artificial additives, fillers, and inexpensive preservatives. It delivers its products to 48 states.

“We explored a variety of locations throughout the Northeast and selected the Lehigh valley due to its close proximity to major metropolitan centers, infrastructure, and talent pool,” Russell Breuer, Spot & Tango founder and CEO, said. “We are looking forward to working with the governor’s office, local leaders and building a long-term relationship with the community.”

Governor’s Action Team coordinated the project.

The Department of Community and Economic Development submitted a funding proposal for a $150,000 workforce development grant to help the company train workers and a $288,000 Pennsylvania First grant.