Archaea Energy, a renewable natural gas (RNG) company, successfully started up Project Assai, an RNG facility located at the Keystone Sanitary Landfill in Dunmore, Pa., on Dec. 30
The facility has the world’s highest operational RNG capacity. Inlet capacity is 22,500 standard cubic feet per minute, and it combines landfill gas flows from the Keystone Sanitary Landfill and the Waste Management Alliance Landfill.
Archaea expects the facility to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 200,000 metric tons annually and significantly reduce many types of air pollutants by more than 90 percent.
In addition, the company expects the facility to deliver more than 4 million MMBtu of RNG annually at projected flows, methane recovery, and uptime. This is expected to result in more than $40 million of annual earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.
Approximately 80 percent of the RNG produced will be delivered, on a long-term contracted, fixed fee basis, to The Regents of the University of California, FortisBC Energy, and Énergir, L.P. Contracts are for periods of up to 20 years.
The facility was built in under two years and on budget.
Houston-based Archaea Energy partners with landfills and farmers to transform potential sources of emissions into RNG and turn their facilities into renewable energy centers.