Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding recently opened up the proposal period for this year’s Commonwealth Specialty Crop Block Grants. A total of $460,000 will be awarded.
“These grants fund projects that seed our future growth,” Redding said. “Hemp — particularly fiber varieties — holds tremendous promise for solving some of our toughest challenges tackling climate change and conserving and renewing our soil and water. Hardwoods are another key crop for storing carbon and supplying sustainable building materials. Hops and other brewing grains are crucial ingredients in Pennsylvania’s craft brewing industry which leads the nation in sales. These PA Farm Bill grants are strategic investments in Pennsylvania’s future.”
The grants fund specialty crops designated as high priority crops in the state. These crops are honey, hardwoods, hops, hemp; and barley, rye, and wheat for distilling, brewing, and malting.
To be eligible, projects must stimulate market growth and enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of specialty crops.
Proposals will be accepted through Sept. 17 and must be submitted through the Department of Community and Economic Development’s website.
A percentage of grants will be awarded to projects in rural communities with at least 20 percent of the population below the federal poverty line.
The Pennsylvania Farm Bill created the grants in 2019.