The state Senate advanced legislation Wednesday to make permanent changes made during the COVID-19 pandemic that benefit the restaurant industry.
House Bill 1154 would make permanent the sale of mixed drinks to-go by restaurant or hotel licensees for off-premise consumption. Licensees must display a sign stating the drinks are to be transported in an area of a vehicle not readily accessible to the driver, and drinks must be clearly labeled that they contain alcohol.
The bill also allows for extended licensed premises on a temporary basis for waiving fees, off-premise catering permits without restrictions, and outdoor dining. It extends for an additional year, the liquor licenses of licensees that are unable to operate.
Liquor license holders who close their businesses would be allowed to sell their stock of liquor and wine to another license holder.
Finally, the bill creates a product called Ready-to-Drink cocktails that liquor licensees can sell for off-premise consumption.
“This bill will allow Pennsylvania employers to continue rebuilding and growing in the wake of the pandemic,” state Sen. Mike Regan (R-Cumberland/York), chairman of the Senate Law and Justice Committee, said.
Profits from the changes are estimated to generate more than $45 million in revenue over five years.