Legislation would protect entertainment industry

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Legislation recently introduced in the state House would help entertainment-related venues negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

House Bill 878 would establish the Entertainment Venue Industry Recovery Program. The program would provide grants to small businesses that offer gambling, spectator sports, the performing arts, amusement, or other recreation industries.

It would work similarly to the Hospitality Industry Recovery Program established in Act 1 of 2021.

To be eligible for Entertainment Venue Industry Recovery Program grants, venues cannot be eligible to apply for the Hospitality Industry Recovery Program.

“These are businesses that not only employ our friends and neighbors but do so in a capacity in which we as parents, grandparents, and consumers enjoy participating,” state Rep. Jim Struzzi (R-Indiana), who introduced the bill, said. “They are a source of community and fellowship that the pandemic has taken from us, in addition to being viable businesses that do everything from supply a much-needed break from routine to help families pay bills and put food on the table. In addition, sustaining them is essential to the future of students that wish to pursue careers in arts, music, and entertainment.”

Passage of the bill would allow the state to receive federal funding, Struzzi said.